A Traffic Simulation (ATS) is a microscopic traffic simulation package developed using Visual C++. I just gave it the "stupid" name.
     It is able to reproduce thousands of vehicles, which can be treated or set as agents, running on a designed network; There are multi-lane links, intersections with vehicle conflicts, traffic signals, even simulated loop detectors and guidance boards; vehicles can move following different traffic flow models, like cellular automata (NaSch), car-following model (Gipps); vehicle trajectory, N-curve, and latest macroscopic fundamental diagram(MFD) can be collected; the platform once had ability to communicate with other systems.
     This simulation package has been developing since the beginning of my master study. It lasts several years (now it is almost the time to defense my PhD degree) and I still keep improving it.
     Opening source doesn't only encourage me keep moving the simulation on, to be honest, I also hope it can benefit my career. However, since the limitation of my time (because I need pay more time on my unremarkable paper), there exists lots of places needed to be improved. I have to say sorry and I will improve it and keep uploading it.
     1st Step
     ATS is initially developed as a platform providing traffic data and testing the algorithm used in traffic guidance and control device. In this system, ATS provides the simulated traffic flow data to other real ITS devices or computer programs by UTP in LAN, and it is able to receive and apply the guidance and control strategies from these devices or programs in the virtual environment. So you will find out many codes about communication and ITS device. Unfortunately, most of them may not be used because we rarely care about them as coding for 2nd step goal.
     2nd Step
     In this step, ATS is employed for the study on traffic flow models and macroscopic phenomena. This part is relatively complete.